Sunday, November 15, 2009

~ Pandora's Box~

Pithos: Origin: Greek Mythology, Definition: a very large earthenware jar having a wide mouth

Pandora was given a pithos from the gods.

Foresight: Origin: from Middle English, Definition: ability to foresee or prepare wisely for the future

Your foresight about this evening, was proved right after the disastrous event had occurred.

Pandora, the first woman to be created according to Greek Mythology, was sent as a trap to man kind. Zeus, being tricked by man, as punishment took away fire from man. They could never become warm or cook their meat. Prometheus, a man, went and retrieved fire from a god on the earth. Zeus infuriated, created Pandora as a gift for Prometheus's brother. Pandora was beautiful and charming, so Epimetheus did not heed his brothers warning and married her. Zeus, on their wedding day presented them with a box. The box was never to be opened. Pandora wondered why she could never open the box. One day being left by herself, she decided to open the box. She opened the odious box and out came hatred, despair, sorrow, and all evils. The cause of all the horror of the world was Pandora's curiosity of the inside of the her box.

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